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Posts by: Gilbert Hunter

Gilbert Hunter
Gilbert joined Formedix nearly ten years ago as a technical writer. The system knowledge he gained from content development, together with his existing customer service skills, marked him out for transition to the Professional Services (PS) team. Gilbert has worked with the PS team for over four years, providing both CDISC-based training and software training, as well as support and consultancy services to Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Clinical Research Organizations. He helps organizations build studies faster and to a higher quality by making their clinical trial design and regulatory submissions far more efficient. Today, as Customer Success Manager, Gilbert’s focus is to ensure customers maximize the benefits they can achieve from ryze by overcoming their challenges and achieving their goals.
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4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore CDISC Data Standards


What to consider when working with CRFs in clinical trials

Compliance, regulations, standards for Clinical Trials

Using SDTM, ADaM, and SEND for Regulatory Submissions


How CDISC standards fit into the drug development process


Why switch to automated CRF annotations?